Archive Page 2


Adult Rated? (Part Three of Three)

This is part three of the “Adult Rated?” session. It’s once again not going to be a doooooozzzzyyyy. I love the name of this post. It’s better than most others. My sister in fact just walked up, and was like “What are you doin? posting porn? I might hurt you…” And then I told her what I’m actually talking about.

Though porn is the subject of today’s “discussion.” (man! I choose very adult topics!)

It’s going to be short.

So I don’t think that all this swearing and “Sex related” themes should be called only for adults, but pornography? That’s different. That’s erotica, and it shouldn’t even be X rated, that’s too low. It should be… illegal. Like, what self respecting woman would actually decide to strip naked, and pose for a camera. They do know that men that may potentially be petifilles could be doing… things… well looking at them. How freaking creepy is that thought. There could even (though less likely) be strange women looking at them doing… things. . .

See, so kids shouldn’t be looking at that. I agree with those laws. Sadly I know people who do look at that, and they’re in my class.

I’m not defending those jerks. They’re idiots. Up thiers.

I wonder why females would actually pose for pictures of them naked. It’s offensive to women all around them, as well as themselves.

It’s unexplainable to me.

That’s all.


-The Voice.


Adult Rated? (Part Two Of Three)

So this is part two of the Adult rated triple session. Don’t forget to read the first part! (Below) It’s going to be a doozzzyyyy!!! Yeah right. It’s going to me talking for another five hundred or so words.

So I was talking to my siblings (and mother. That’s right. It wasn’t a complete excerpt yesterday. You suck.) in the car on sunday, and we started talking about the <3 Mayhem poets. They do  alot of shows, and they have adult rated shows and children rated shows. In the Adult shows they swear and do higher sex related stuff. Sure, adults do think about that, but I’ll bet you, my age group thinks about sex, and swear many times more than any adult. It’s so freaking annoying when adults assume that because there’s swearing and sex, they should be the only ones to see it. I don’t mean I approve of pornography or X Rated movies, (All that will be covered tomorrow) but If in fact the mayhem poets are going to say “You’re Fucking lame.” “Fuck you” Then I promise you, adults will be more offended that a kid.

In fact, a kid would say “I respect them now! They swear like me!” And an adult would (probably) say “ugh. Swearing. That’s just Vulgar and rude. Why the Heck would they put that in there? In fact, I’m going to EAT THEM~!!!” That last bit might have been me, ad-libbing, but what the hey. See, and then an adult would then be thinking (Not all adults) “I’m so glad there aren’t kids here. It would be bad for them.”

…(I sit here stewing in anger)

Like… WTF??? Like… Like… CMON!!!! WE AREN’T THAT STUPID!!! *slap*. I glare at the human who may or may not have said that.  We say swear words more often then you, you know, woman/man.

And then there’s the parents that try and stop thier kids from learning swear words. GOOD LUCK!!!

Seriously. I’ve heard teachers swear, and if even a teacher will swear, then how will a kid not learn swear words? So many kids swear, it’ll just kinda… happen. Doesn’t even have to be in school. Tv. I’ll bet that the freaking teletubbies swear. “Yo, Tinky Winky, sup, bi**h.”  “Nuthin much, Poe, ya mother Fuc**r.” Like, almost anything you see, anyone you talk to, there’ll be someone who swears. (On the subject of teletubbies, guess what? It’s not on TVO kids anymore! It’s on “Treehouse”! Like… CMON!!!)

So I think that things that are adult rated, should in fact, be more tilted towards teens.

Except for one thing. That’s what to come tomorrow! (It’s not going to be this long, or as long as the other one. It’s going to be a two hundred word post or so.) No excerpt today.


-The Voice.


Adult rated? (Part One Of Three)

 Alright, it’s been a while since we had a real Discussion (discussion? I rant, alone, and you read. Is that a discussion? NO!!) on something, so here we are! What could I be talking about this time? read on to find out!!! Recently we’ve been looking at all sorts of things for subjects, about kids and adults and the presidential election (Yay obama!) and as always, trashing the green party, but today we’ll be doing something new. No, not really. This is the same as everything else I’ve been talking about, but hey. Whatever. We like these incredibly compelling (Wow. I’m the funniest man in the world, aren’t I? I’m never going to get a job, am I? Ah well. May the monkey dance. Is that getting old yet? Probably was old right away. I wonder how long I could just sit here, doing this bracket stuff. I’ve been doing it for over five months now, and it’s probably never going to stop. If you hate it, halt reading. If you comment on things, saying you hate it, I WILL EAT YOU. If you comment on it saying it’s good, I’ll give you a cookie! MMMM. Cookies! I like (some) cookies. I just did a double bracket. Is that allowed? A bracket in a bracket. maybe I should have done a partial quotation mark. You know? ‘Insert Text’ You see? maybe even normal quotation marks would have worked. Did you know I’ve written 232 word till the 232? now It’s 235. Now it’s 238. Now it’s… 241. I carried on this one, eh?) Subjects that I choose. With the daily posts (oops. I’ve been forgetting that haven’t I?) I’m not able to find enough subjects now. But finally I can talk about this. Want me to get on with the subject yet? (Don’t make me eat you.)

I complain alot Whether in my blog or not about the fact that some adults think they’re superior to people my age. That’s What todays Part of this three part subject will be.

Some adults believe that kids in thier teen years aren’t really… How do I word this? We aren’t even people. That’s what they act like. I’ll bet you that alot of teenagers know alot more than any teacher will. Ever. It’s true. Some teachers are genuinely (Stupid spell check doesn’t work.) smart (alot of them, actually. I’ll mention my english teacher (WILL NOT BE NAMED) my french teacher, my science teacher… Others haven’t really taught me anything academic. They’ve taught me gym, or music, so I can’t judge them.) but some of them are just plain reading off the book, aren’t good teachers at all and can’t keep a conversation going. Nice people, just a bit dense (Unlike me! Of course, anyone campared to me looks like an idiot..). I promise you that (although there are alot of teenagers who are stupid as well. Like… massive amounts.)

You won’t hear me do this often, but I’m about to defend teenagers! Adults don’t think we’re human, they consider us sub-human (hehehe) because of what most teenagers are smart in. We (I’m smart in it, and everything else!!! Except for maybe understanding a few unanswerable questions in life.) are smarter in electronical stuff because of how we grew up. Old people… I mean… Adults… grew up without four T.V.’s (exaggeratttionnnn) in each room. They went outside. I go outside with my friends, but I only go outside to get places, or to go to another place to go inside it. It’s all because of our atmosphere. It’s always about atmosphere.

Plus I also blame it on the media. The media has perverted the way we’re supposed to see everything. Old people.. (I need to stop doing that, don’t I??) Adults.. Didn’t have quite the influence from the media to have sex, be terrible, lose weight and be little brats. We do? have you ever watched three quarters of the T.V shows out there? And I almost quote… “Let’s go on our first date!” After a nice dinner they walked home together, and shared thier first kiss. Suddenly they were making out. “Wanna have sex?” “Yep.” “Yay” They woke up beside each other the next morning, smiled, and kissed. “Well, I got you to sleep with me. I’m dumpin you.” THE END… And that’s every stupid show for you. They’re mostly all the same. You see? So it’s not just how stupid we are. It’s all the atmosphere’s fault. So What the point of all this is, Alot of adults believe they’re superior to us, and it’s not totally our fault. (not mine, at all. Actually, thinking about it, I make the world more egotistical. In fact, I am the primary source of this world’s ego factor…)

Which leads up to tomorrows part. Want an Excerpt?

I was talking to my siblings in the car on sunday, and we started talking about the <3 Mayhem poets. They do  alot of shows, and they have adult rated shows and children rated shows. In the Adult shows they swear and do higher sex related stuff. Sure, adults do think about that, but I’ll bet you, my age group thinks about sex, and swear many times more than any adult. It’s so…

Part Two! Here tomorrow, nine O’Clock.


-The Voice.


The Forty Five (whatever. It’s the U.S. Get a life. I’m Canadian, and ignorant about our southern neighbors.) Presidents

Ooohhh.. Presidents of the U.S. Morphing into each other!


-The Voice.


Bush’s last speech

This is bush’s last speech. I’m glad he’s out of office, and He better never be mentioned again. He’ll probably go down as one of the country’s worst presidents. Also, I did an earlier post about ten minutes ago.

This is the rest of it.


-The Voice.


Presedential election.

What kind of self respecting human being couldn’t post today? It’s the day that obama becomes the president. He is now, President Barack Obama. This man is one of the most amazing speakers I have seen, and personally, I believe he will do well, unlike some stupid B*st*rd named George W. Bush. I prefer the drug addicted green party to that idiot. this is his speech, and oath.

By the way, I’m sorry I didn’t post these past few days. I’ve been busy, and I’m dying because I’m sick. EUGH>


-The Voice.



Yesterday at school we had a field trip. We went to centerpoint theater, And saw an amazing slam poet group called the Mayhem Poets. Heard of them? Amazing group. It’s in fact a group that does poetry for a living, and does it around the country, and the U.S. They do some amazing work, and I do believe they write it themselves. They write most of it themselves at least. I was so impressed by how well they presented themselves. And the way they talked to us (the kids) was very in a way that connected to us. Here’s A video of some of thier work.

They’re geniuses, and I would see them again in a second. They’re going big time, for they won a contest on microsoft, getting retail space in new york for a year, and getting a massive sum of money (something like $100000 bucks.). I hope you see them one day, because it was amazing. I can’t emphasize that too much. This is another video that someone took, but it’s not amazing, but they’re relating all sorts of sexual references to computers, and they swear a few times. but whatever…

More by them!!!


-The Voice.


The Real Reason for The Blog Name.

This little chat will go into a talk about more things that guys and girls do, but first, a thirty second NeWs FlAsH.

Thirty seconds!—My PsP battery is dead!

Thank you.

Now, To talk about the real subject. The Real reason for the blog name… After some News for the site!

Hi, I’m the guy who controls the website, and here’s what’s goin on.

First, as you probably noticed there’s a new picture in the Top of the website, and in fact the site has a new look if you didn’t notice. (I know one person who might not have…)  It’s a more compact look, and I like it. (Will this one stick? Probably not.) Plus it’s kinda dark. I can’t stand the white screen…

Also, today is the first real day of the Darkest of Times. ( ) Yes, there is in fact a minor change in the URL. It’s just We’ve introduced the characters,and now We’re going to get on to the contest. There’ll be some good action in it, and then a cliffhanger, hopefully making you want to read more. Want a sample? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Also, I’ll be making a page for each day’s announcements, check it out if you’re wondering something. It’ll say if I have to miss a week of The Darkest Of Times, or if we have a change in the looks of the website. It’ll be updated every little bit, so Maybe not every day. It’ll be set up by tomorrow. Thanks.

That’s all the announcements we have for today. Back to you, Voice/Isaac.

Thanks, creator of isaactrilogy website.

Now, It’s time I admit the real reason that I had the Name I did this because originally I was going to do three seperate websites. Each of these websites would have “trilogy” at the end of thier name. I in fact did have that, but, when everything in the other websites were flourishing, I, the voice, Failed to comply, and keep up with the business. I destroyed those websites, and in fact, then tried another couple attempts. Each one either failed, or I didn’t stick to it, but this whole time, this website has stayed alive, and I welcome you to the five month anniversary of isaactrilogy!!! We nowadays are doing fairly well, and I’m doing near daily posts! I’m happy to be supplying your daily needless Talk time, and I hope you keep supporting us here at isaactrilogy!!!

Now I’m going to ramble.

So, I’m just about to do something I try not to do often (yeah right). I’m going to whine. I complain, but I never whine. (sure…)

I’m about to whine about alot of blogs I see. I see these stupid little blogs that just WHINE THIER FREAKIN HEADS OFF!!! They just say “aww…  the boy I’ve been in love with for the past freaking ten freaking years is moving. I’m going to be emo now.” or sometimes “I lost my job. Fuck, I hate my life. I’m going to beat on my stupid wife now, to help me feel better.” And alot of the time, “I hate this concept of how easily friendships are destroyed. One of my “Possy” (Friends) was insulted by her best friend, and she absolutely hates him now. It’s annoying. They shouldn’t be “enemies” because of one idiotic comment. Actually this comment was pretty offensive, so I’d be pissed, but really, alot of friendships get ruined because of stupid crap. I hate life. I’m becoming emo.” (recognize most of that?) You see? All these people just won’t shut up about the fact that thier lives are conformed of balls of crap!!! Face it people, your life sucks. Do you see me complaining about life? (sometimes…) NO!! I just complain about how I hate everyone else FOR complaining about thier own lives, and about the fact that they screwed themselves over. You know what? You know what? We don’t care. That’s right. WE DON’T CARE!!! If you want to be a complaining bit–brat, then GET A MOTHER ******* DIARY YOU IMBECILIC ******* WHY THE **** WOULD YOU ******* COMPLAIN ONLINE YOU LITTLE *****.  IT’S ******* POINTLESS YOU LITTLE ***!!!!

Okay.. I’m calm now. I’ve gotten that out.. I’m good..

-The (bit**in) Voice.


New Url

Just for people, there is a minor change in the URL for the darkest of times. It’s now:

This will be in the announcements tommorow. Thanks.

-The Voice.


Blame Was to Blame

There was another post earlier yesterday. Go look at it. It’s below. I’m giving thirty seconds. Ready? Go.








I’m done waiting. So, in a song I listened to thirty seconds ago from this point, was called stare at the sun. In the song, one of the lines says that blame was to blame. Blame was to Blame. Blame was to Blame. You know, in most arguments, that is actually the case. Someone will have a jolly time arguing with someone, and it’s so obviously a joke, but then some person will say to shut up. Suddenly it’s everyone elses fault, and though we weren’t mad thirty seconds ago, we’re mad now!

Our thoughts? “Stupid Mom. It’s all her fault. she blamed me, and yet not (Insert name here).” In (Insert name here)’s mind she’s thinking “Stupid (Alternate insert name here) Getting us in trouble.” It’s because we all blame each other that we have so many problems.

I’m never mad at anyone, and then they blame me for something. – MOOD SWING- And I hate them. Or, Someone blames a friend for something. They aren’t friends anymore!

So it’s blame who you can blame. Blame was to blame. It would be an argument noone can win. It’s noones fault (Except for (insert name here) ) in essence that everyone is mad.

That’s all. Tomorrow is The Darkest Of Times… Be prepared for an intense 2000 word Write.

May 2024